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  • 5 Types of Poultry Feeders

    There is a bewildering array of options available for feeding chickens. A lot depends on the number of birds, whether they are indoor or outdoor, and their age and type.

    John Seo |

  • How To Monitor Rodents on Pig Farms

    An uncontrolled rodent problem on a pig farm can cause substantial economic damage if not addressed adequately. Monitoring the situation and then carefully dealing with it is essential. Otherwise, you'll...

    John Seo |

  • Can Chickens Eat Alfalfa?

    Ensuring your chickens have decent protein in their diets is part and parcel of being a poultry farmer. With that being the case, you may be looking for a tasty...

    Rowan Burgess |

  • What Are Red Mite?

    Red Mites are an occupational hazard on any poultry farm. Low numbers cause irritation and itching amongst the birds, but high numbers can cause anaemia in the flock.

    Rowan Burgess |

  • What Diseases Can Rodents Spread on a Farm?

    The summer months may be when rodents spend most time outside, but it's also the time to start preparing for that post-harvest rush when the temperatures begin to drop -...

    Rowan Burgess |

  • How To Identify Fly Sources on Pig Farms

    Dealing with flies is simply part and parcel of owning and running a farm, but if you've started to notice a marked increase in the number you're seeing compared to...

    Rowan Burgess |

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