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Thermostats and Ventilation Controls

(23 products)

Thermostats can be as simple as a manual dial to set the temperature a heater switches on or a fan starts. They can also be slightly more complex where they can start and stop (on / off) fans in stages with more fans coming on as the temperature rises. 

Thermostats such as the Bravo Touch and  Vostermans AEW range with a 0-10v output can be used to speed control individual or groups of fans (with careful consideration of the total amps required). The fan speed increases on the rise in temperature.

Speed controlled fans at low speeds don't create enough air velocity to blow open mechanical butterfly valves in chimneys, this is where the on / off thermostats are best for larger houses. In smaller installations such as pigs an electronic damper valve would be used to open proportionately at the same time as the fan speed increases.

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