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How Do Rat Bait Stations Work?

Rowan Burgess |

Rodents are a nuisance no one wants to see on their property premises. It certainly doesn't help that rats and mice carry and spread some serious diseases and can destroy property in domestic and agricultural settings.

One thing’s for sure: doing nothing is not an option if you see rats on the premises. 

So, what can you do to help?

Rat bait stations are one method to help control unwelcome rodents. There are different poison alternatives and products, all with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Find out how rat bait stations work and their pros and cons below, and rodents will be a thing of the past.

What Are Rodent Bait Stations?

Rodent bait stations are an effective way to control rats and mice. These are containers with a poisoned lure flavoured to attract mice and rats who eat the poison and die.

However, bait stations don’t trap the rodent. The rat or mouse will typically eat the poison and leave, usually returning to their nest to die within a few days.

Tamper-Proof vs. Regular Bait Stations

Tamper-proof bait stations feature a design allowing entry to rodents but not curious children or non-target species like pets or wildlife. They’re the best choice from an environmental perspective and the safest in locations with cats, dogs, and children.

They're usually made from high-quality and robust moulded plastic, which can withstand harsh weather conditions without compromise. 

Likewise, they have rodent entrances that prevent access by bigger animals using hole size, a maze, or baffles. Security is via a metal lock that requires an Allen key to open. There is also an internal structure that prevents the poison from tracking out.

Generally, tamper-proof stations have a facility to anchor them to the ground, so lifting, shaking, or smashing them is virtually impossible. 

How Do Bait Stations Combat Rodents?

Bait stations combat rodents by destroying mice and rats in locations with a known problem. 

The station contains a poisoned lure, which the rodent eats and then dies within the next two or three days away from the container. Most of these poisons are anticoagulants which prevent blood clotting and lead to internal bleeding.

Key Advantages of Using Bait Stations

Bait stations are an excellent way to control unwanted rodents on poultry farms and livestock units. 

Unlike traps, you won’t have to worry about disposing of a dying or dead rodent, as the mouse or rat will leave the station once they’ve consumed the poison, often making their way back to a nest.

Rats and mice are attracted to bait stations because they feel safe eating in an enclosed, dark place. 

One bait station will kill several rodents. The poisoned lure is protected from the elements in a secure container, so bait stations are safe to use in human or animal food areas because there is no cross-contamination.

Bait stations offer year-round rodent control regardless of the weather conditions; their rugged construction will survive repeated rain and sun. They work 24/7 as long as there is enough bait for the rodents to eat.

What Is an Effective Rodent Control Strategy With Bait Stations?

  • Choose the right bait – Rodent baits have different chemical bases - not all rat baits are equal. It’s important to consider the speed and efficacy of the poison and possible second-generation toxicity.
  • Understand the rat run – Most rodents follow a repeated linear route, usually against a wall. Finding the run is essential; otherwise, you run the risk of placing the poison station in a location where it won’t have any visitors.
  • Spacing the bait stations – It’s possible to place the stations inadvertently too close together. In this instance, you’ll waste rodent bait, and your control strategy won’t be as effective. Rat bait stations should be around 15-30 feet apart, and the equivalent for mice, around 8-12 feet apart.
  • Regular Monitoring – It’s essential to check the traps regularly and replenish any consumed poison.

Disposable or Refillable: Making the Choice

There are pros and cons for both disposable and refillable traps, and the best choice depends on the severity of the problem and the circumstances.

Disposable bait stations work well for just one or two pesky rodents. A bigger problem will probably warrant refillable stations and possibly other trap types to work alongside them.

Using single-use disposable control products can be uneconomic for large-scale rodent infestations.

Refillable bait stations will catch more vermin and work continuously until the problem resolves.

Operators need to take care with refillable stations, and from a safety and environmental perspective, tamper-proof products are best. It’s essential to store the replacement bait in a secure, locked location away from pets and children.

Need Rodent Control Products? Shop Dalton Engineering!

Rodents can cause a vast amount of damage to buildings. However, the main problem is that they spread disease, especially rats, which carry Weil’s disease, also known as Leptospirosis and salmonella, E-coli and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).

Don't ignore the presence of rats or mice, as the problem will multiply, and there’ll be an infestation before long.

Shop Dalton Engineering for a tried and trusted range of rat bait stations, traps, and rodenticides. We stock all your rodent control products for farms, large commercial livestock enterprises, stables, smallholders, and hobbykeepers.

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