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When Do Wasps Start Building Nests?

Rowan Burgess |

If you've found a few wasps near your property or farm and are concerned they might become a problem, one of the most straightforward first steps is to check for a nest. But did you know that wasps only start building nests at certain times of the year? 

Having a good knowledge of the conditions surrounding wasp nests and when they build them will help you in your efforts to get rid of the problem - and keep it from happening again.

We've compiled everything you should look out for to keep wasps at bay. Read on for more!

How Do You Know When a Wasp Nest Is Starting?

Buzzing Noise

The first thing you will likely notice is increased buzzing if and when wasps have started building a nest near you. While you might be accustomed to a certain level of buzzing if you live or work on a farm, if you notice a significant increase, that is a tell-tale sign of wasps.

As expected, it takes many wasps to physically build the nest and even more to maintain and grow it. With that being the case, there will be an influx of wasps compared to when a nest is being built. In this instance, you should take note and be careful around the wasps to avoid being stung. Investigate where the nest might be located with caution. 

It's helpful to learn about the lifecycle of wasps at this time, as well as doing some research into how to get rid of a nest.

Swarming Insects

A less obvious indication that you might have a wasp nest on your property is if you start noticing insect swarms. As the nest grows and more wasps are born, they'll need to feed on the surrounding insect life, and when they attack, you'll likely see these other insects in great numbers as they flee. You may not have noticed these insects initially, but more wasps make them obvious.

While wasps can be a menace (if they become a problem, remember to call pest control) - especially if they get aggressive - we should note that they are pollinators valuable for maintaining the ecosystem. Move forward with care and caution. 

Visible Structures

Finally, if you've noticed more wasps on your property recently, nest structures will likely be nearby. What these structures look like will depend on the timing of the year and how developed the nest is, but it should be clear what it is as wasps will surround it.

Sometimes, wasps will build their nests out of sight in wall cavities and sheds, and other times, they will be more visible in places such as tree trunks. If you've managed to get sight of a wasp nest, that's full confirmation of an infestation, and it's at this time you need to decide whether you will pursue getting rid of it or leave it be. If you choose to leave it, note that it will be active for many months, and staying as far away as possible is advised.

When Do Wasps Start Building Their Nests?

In the UK, queen wasps come out of hibernation around springtime in April and May. At this time, they will find a location for the nest and start laying eggs. Those eggs will become workers, and the colony will become active around June and July.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Wasps Build Nests in August?

No, while wasps are usually most active during August, the nests are built much earlier in the year in the spring - usually around April and May. You will see more wasps in August due to the high level of activity, where almost all of the eggs have hatched.

Shop Dalton Engineering’s Wasp Destroyer Sprays!

If you have found a wasp nest in your property or farm or have suspicions due to indicators, such as increased buzzing and insect swarms, tackle the problem as early as possible. Thankfully, at Dalton Engineering, we have powerful destroyer sprays for wasps and their nests, which will do the job of keeping them at bay.

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